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NZ323135 | Corten & Stainless Steel | 500 x 200 x 200 cm | Morton Palms Business Park. Darlington. UK

NZ323135 takes its title from the exact Ordinance Survey reference co-ordinates for the locality of this sculpture. This is appropriate because the sculpture is located close to where the Cleveland Hills begin and the topography of the terrain becomes more undulating. This vertical twist in the sculpture reflects this notion of movement and is is cognizant of the kinds of contour mines found on a survey map of the locale.
Commissioned by Arts Council North on behalf of City & Northern Developers for their prestige, low carbon business park on the edge of the Cleveland Hills, this adjacent to the busy A66 trunk Road. The sculpture is clearly visible from a distance and acts as signage into the Business Park from the main road.
The forms and materials of the sculpture reference the areas long-standing heritage of heavy engineering, whilst at the same reflecting the light and color of the surrounding landscape. The sculpture sits opposite Cleveland Bridge Engineering, and close to Cummins Engineering. It is also the site of the first stream railway from Darlington to Stockton. The use of cortex steel is associated with this same engineering legacy of the area, whilst the use of stainless steel is reflective of the present day and optimist for future growth. The overall form of the sculpture is based on a garment template shape (common to the fashion & textiles industry), thereby reflecting human identity.
However, the form can also be interpreted as a vessel for pouring Mollen metal. The vertical twist in the sculpture also related to notions of change and metamorphosis from one era to the present day.